If there are things beyond our awareness, could they really be a factor in the creation of our universe, and thereby in forming me and who I am?

And if that is so, what should be my response to that?

If I accept that there are things outside of my physical ken, do they have to be restricted to the level of inanimate events or can they be even more complex than you and me? In fact could they be complex enough to create the universe as I understand it to be, and to have established the underlying physical laws that have caused matter to evolve in such wonderful ways that ultimately give rise to us?
My initial answer to this question was 'no'. Not because it wasn't a conceivable option, but because I felt that there would have to be some evidence of the fact. While not precluding different forms of evolution in different places, I found it difficult to accept that if we actually were some part of a 'creator's' master plan that we would exist in such practical confusion about not only the plan, but about the 'creator' itself.
Of course the 'creator' could have died, or gone for a 14 aeon vacation - but I felt that to all practical intents and purposes that would be little different from the universe arising 'by accident', at least in terms of its implications for me personally.
But in reaching such a conclusion, that any 'creator' would not leave us in confusion, I have to assume that I am in full possession of the facts and the underlying reasoning. If I infer how somebody ought to behave it implies I might be not only their intellectual equal, but also that I have their understanding of the detail and context - and that is difficult enough when I consider even the person next to me, let alone a being with sufficient intellect to be the 'creator'.
The picture becomes even more complicated if I were to consider that their might be more than one spiritual being of such awesome power, particularly if they too operated in a 'society' which had to reconcile itself. And if, despite its level of development, this 'society' contained (as practically all do) elements of both good and evil (perhaps even, in a spiritual sense, absolute 'good' and absolute 'evil') then might I expect to reach an accurate conclusion about what a 'creator' would do. I might find it difficult enough to understand the reasoning of the 'creator' even if the route was straightforward. How would I cope if any messages that there might be, were deliberately obscured and confused?
Does this then mean that I cannot discern whether such a 'creator' really might exist? Strangely I concluded the reverse. All that I could reason out of this thinking is that I would be unable to discern whether such a 'creator' really did not exist, at least on my own terms and from my own perspective. I began to realise that if I was to look for a creator I would have to try to look from 'it's' perspective (as difficult as that might be) - it could only be the absence of any such perspective that would put beyond practical relevance the concept of any such 'creator'.
Eventually I concluded that things beyond my awareness really could be a factor in the creation of our universe, and thereby in forming me and who I am. In other words I concluded that the concept of 'God' was not as fundamentally flawed as my training and upbringing had led me to believe.
And if 'God' does exist, what should be my response to that?
If 'God' created (by some complex sequence of events) me, then it is likely that my best path to 'development' would be in line with the plans that He has for me, and that I need to understand those plans. But I need to seek to understand them on His terms, and not on my own.
And if I am wrong, then I won't find anything!


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