Complexity Harnessed Through Adaptive Learning
...developing an adaptive organisational intelligence

Some days it really is difficult to see the wood for the trees, and somehow those days just keep getting more frequent. You really want the management team to think strategically, but tactical issues just keep knocking them back down into the detail - and it's going to get worse.
Major advances in technology and communication have rapidly accelerated both change and interdependency - everything we do has repercussions, and everything 'they' do has repercussions on us.
The problem is, we are thinking at the wrong level - if we look at the detail all we see is chaos - the patterns have migrated up to the level that controls the detail and we need to understand them and control them at that level. We are no longer able to plan production - we have to plan demand algorithms. We can no longer design products - rather we design platforms and configure solutions.
Tesseract's approach is to lift management's thinking up a level; to develop these 'meta-processes'; to recognise the patterns in the complexity and to adapt the learning. In short, we believe that management often fails because it fights the wrong battles at the wrong level, and that it now needs to adapt its intelligence to apply it at a level where it can be truly effective.
In our pages on management's role we explore this premise in more depth, & in 'Perfect' we look at some of the principles and tools that help managers reconsider their role.


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© Tesseract Management Systems Ltd 2003

Fast Perspectives:
(click below for an oversight)
Managing by Design
- a handbook of
Systematic Mgt.

(purchase on line)
Triumphant alliances - how to make your strategic partnerships work for you
(case study)
Competitive edge through effective partnerships
For more detail:

How we see the management issue.

Moving up a level: redesigning your role
(book extract)